Titling your second solo LP Follow Up is a little cheeky, but it also is characteristic of Scott Perry’s irreverence and awareness.
He showed as much when he was with Orchid Highway, smart guys who knew their rock history and could invest such knowledge with a sense of humour.
So, calling the album Follow Up suggests Perry knows another truism – the difficult second album – and seems determined not to fall into that trap.
It is both a follow up and not a follow up. Anyone expecting more of the same soft rock, folk and country of Songs Of Serenity will be disappointed. If that album’s gentle reflection was like a warm bath, Follow Up is much more brisk. Perry’s singing is less self-conscious, his arrangements more detailed with leads supported by double tracking and a greater attention paid to back up vocals . Perry’s self-assurance possibly comes from faith in his band, which shows more aggression and contributes more to the sound, which is fuller.
Be Alright is the one song not written by Perry but by bassist Eric Lefebvre and is kind of a map to Follow Up. It is a tiny bit reminiscent of The Beatles’ Dear Prudence, which might point to Follow Up’s pop-rock brightness. Another possible influence is Lou Reed. His riff for Vicious seems to power the valedictory Comfort Zone while Reed’s Velvet Underground’s Rock And Roll might have inspired Not Jane.
If the second album is Follow Up, does that mean the third one will be called The Charm?